Mortgage Refinance

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Let’s Do the Math.

As an icebreaker: if your existing mortgage is 0.75% higher than current rates (or higher), we should definitely talk.

Just when you thought things were near the bottom at the beginning of your last term, here we are again bouncing along near-historical lows – and the net benefit to you by refinancing right now could be counted in thousands of dollars.

Now is the time to consider many refinancing opportunities, such as:

  • Simply move to a better lender, for a lower rate, lower payments and most of all, more flexible terms.
  • Use the equity in your home to consolidate consumer debt, do renovations or make investments.
  • Set up a revolving Home Equity Line of Credit (“HELOC”).
  • Combine an existing first and second mortgage at one lower rate.

Correctly calculating the cost/benefit of refinancing your mortgage is an analysis that I’d be happy to carry out – relatively quickly and at no cost to you. If the numbers make sense, leave it to me to make your transfer to a new lender (and your departure from the old one!) smooth.

Finally, while taking advantage of today’s low rates, the second task at hand will be to create a strategy – to prepare for the likelihood that interest rates will begin to rise again.

CLICK HERE for my Refinancing Example

Toma Sojonky - Mortgage Advisor

Mortgage Brokers Association of BC
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